Our Work

The overall focus of CFF-Ghana is to advance the cause of democratic consolidation, good governance, Social Justice, and inclusive economic growth. We work in broad program areas with other complementary special project interventions with the view of advancing effective, transparent and accountable governance in the areas of Education, Health, Environment, Tech Justice, Politics & Democratic Governance, Peace and Security among others.

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Citizens’ Participation and Accountability (CiPA) Program

Citizens Participation and Accountability (CiPA) program is a strategic intervention designed to influence public policy and promote government accountability and transparency through advocacy engagements utilizing Policy Forums, Stakeholder Dialogues, traditional and social media platforms to inform and empower citizens to have a greater say and demand accountability from the ruling class and duty bearers on how state resources are utilized to the benefit of all.

Since its inception a decade ago, CFF-Ghana has and continues to make tremendous contributions in influencing national and global policies.

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